HOMO FERRATUS - by makadi3000

I'm a designer currently living and working in Zurich, right in the middle of Europe. This blog is about my original toy work and hobby interests. I dedicate it to Japanese artist Kow Yokoyama, creator of the Maschinen Krieger universe, which has always been a teacher and source of inspiration to me, as he is for many contemporary concept artists and illustrators of the 21st century.

Thanks for looking! - Adi D'Agostino aka makadi3000

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Got this post saved for ages but never took the time to wright a review. However, I just wanted to cheer for Apoxie Sculpt (first left), which is my favorite for 99% of my sculpting work. And Tamiya Epoxy Putty might be very useful for smaller sculpting details as well. Both are two part puttys which hardens in 2-3 hours. Enjoy!

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